Lake Vänern

Lurö archipelago

Lurö Archipelago is one of Sweden’s most magnificent freshwater archipelagos. It consists of hundreds of islands, ranging from barren skerries to forested islets, creating a unique landscape between Vänern’s large basins, Värmlandssjön in the east and Dalbosjön in west.

The archipelago features pine forests, heather-covered meadows, and rare flora influenced by the region’s mild climate and limestone-rich bedrock. It is home to diverse bird species, including ospreys, greylag geese, and black-throated divers.

A nature reserve since 1967, the area is part of the EU’s Natura 2000 network, preserving its natural and cultural heritage while supporting outdoor recreation. Popular activities include boating, kayaking, and hiking, with trails and historic sites on Lurö and Vithall. Visitor facilities include guest harbors, restrooms, and a restaurant at Stenstaka.

Lake Vänern – Winterseason

 A wild and ever-changing landscape

The winter season on Lake Vänern offers grand natural experiences. During winter, storms roar and generate ocean-like waves, reaching up to 4 meters in height. When the storms subside and the cold sets in, the lake can freeze over, creating fantastic ice surfaces for skating. The ice often shifts and piles up into towering icebergs, scraping the shores clean of vegetation. With high water levels, storms, ice formation, and ice movement, a unique environment is created, shaping Vänern’s distinctive sea-like character.

A short movie that I’ve made to show some of the wonders in wintertime.